dbnAudile provide full lighting and sound production to one of the UK’s most exciting dance events – The Warehouse Project – which runs every weekend from the end of September to January 1st in the arches beneath Piccadilly Station.
The unique pop-up nightclub features a fantastic DJ line up and live performances from some of the finest dance bands. dbnAudile’s project manager, Pete Robinson, is heavily involved with lighting the event.
During the week, the arches are operational as a car park. The Warehouse Project crew get access to the venue at 6 p.m. on Friday night and the rig has to be ready for a 10 p.m. kick off. Although the majority of the lighting stays installed in the roof week-to-week, this 4 hour slot is still an intense period of activity requiring some serious co-ordination to get everything up-and-running.
It is a quirky space covering 3 arches, with the main room beneath one arch. Approximately 60 points have been installed in the roof – which offers about 5 metres of headroom – to facilitate the hanging of 7 trusses of various lengths, shaped to the curves of the arches, plus a series of scaff bars for rigging scenic elements, bar lighting, etc.